Hair shedding is inevitable.
Have you ever measured the amount of hair you shed daily and especially on wash day?
It differs for everyone.
According to research, the average person loses 100 – 125 hairs per day.
It is perfectly normal to shed anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs per day, anything above that is considered excessive shedding AKA telogen effluvium.
Most people have 100K plus hairs on their head.
So losing that much hair per day seems like a good ratio considering new hair grows every day.
Can you imagine having to count every strand of hair loss on a daily basis?

So not all the hairs you lose on one day are created equal some hairs are short, and some are long.
Either way, you are shedding hair on a daily basis to make room for new hairs.
Wash day is a big day for African Americans who are naturals because it is on wash day one really gets to see the amount of hair shedding.
It is perfectly normal to lose 50-100 hairs per day.
But when the hair is manipulated with shampoo and other products during the process, hair shedding can go from 0 to 200 in an instant.
So, you may be wondering how do I measure my hair shedding, or what does 100 hairs per day look like?
It looks different for everyone, but the below image should give you an idea.
Keep in mind most of the hair you are losing at a normal pace is at the end of the telogen phase.
Telogen phase is a resting phase in the hair growth cycle when the hair is released and falls out.

The only way to measure hair loss would be to not do anything with your life and concentrate on hair shedding for a few days, but who has time for that?
Wash day is the perfect timing to measure hair shedding because you get to sort of “catch” the hairs.
You know what I am talking about, that little puff ball you form with all your shed hairs from manipulating and shampooing the hair.
From there if you have the time and patience you can start counting each strand to gauge your hair shedding on wash day.
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Great article, Its really useful post, Thanks for sharing your article,
Thanks for sharing. It’s really wonderful to possess this knowledge, especially now. Thus it will help in preventing much hair loss.
Each time I want to get a hair redo, Ialways lose a lot of hair.