Let’s be honest the fermented rice water method for fast hair growth sounds great at first right?
However when you learn of the process, it doesn’t sound as simple.
There could be many reasons why you may think the process is not simple, one could just be lack of experience.
To make the rice water itself it can take up to 24 hours which is a long time.
And if you have been wanting to try the fermented rice water natural hair growth treatment, then here’s your shortcut.
You can now buy the rice water already made.
Yes, this means you can skip all the preparation you would normally do in your kitchen.

I enjoy making the mixture at home because I am comfortable with the process.
And I can always make sure there are no additional chemicals added.
So for me the process is as easy as 1-2-3.
But I have to tell you buying, the fermented rice water already made saves me time that I could never get back.
The fermented rice water method has become extremely popular as of late with more black women and other ethnicities trying it out.
The treatment has been a tradition in countries like China, Japan, and Southeast Asia for centuries.
This mixture can be used as a pre-poo treatment to further cleanse the hair and immediately stop excessive shedding.
Further, rice is a powerful food and full of beneficial nutrients for the body.
The inositol which is a carbohydrate found in rice helps strengthen the elasticity and reduces daily friction on the hair.
It also promotes smooth and shiny hair.
The first time I ever tried the rice water method, my hair shedding stopped completely.
So, if you are experiencing any type of hair damage, then you should try the fermented rice water method.
In my best-selling hair growth recipe ebook.
I teach you my easy-proven method on how to make the rice water mixture and other fast natural hair growth treatments.
Click below to see how you can grab your copy while it is on sale.
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Really appreciate this post! My brother and I are looking at experimenting with rice water, and have been looking for a post that really broke it down!
You are welcome. Glad you stumbled upon it.
Where can I purchase your fermented rice water ?
How do I purchase the fermented water?