In the same way, technology and the human race keep evolving; hair care has its own story.
There are numerous stories about how black women used to grease their natural hair to prevent fleas from feeding their scalps.
Does this history sound a bit strange?
Let us go back to our childhood.
Most of our mothers and aunties used to sit us on their laps to massage Blue Magic hair grease on our scalps.
We did not care much about the impact of this regimen until now.
Should you start, continue, or stop using this grease seems to be the million-dollar question nowadays.
And does it help with hair growth?
Today I will provide the pros and cons of using hair grease on your hair.
After reading this article, you will be able to decide if it is safe to incorporate hair grease into your hair care regimen.

Is it safe to use petroleum-based products on your hair?
This question is a major concern to many, probably because the grease comes from a dirty place.
But that is not the case!
There is a lot more to it.
a). It clogs up the scalp and repels moisture
Hair grease mainly contains petrolatum and mineral oil.
Since Vaseline also contains these ingredients, we can use it as an example here.
This body oil does no good but clogs pores, making the skin unable to breathe properly.
Others use it as a barrier to protect bruises on the skin.
The scalp is no exception since it is just a skin on the head.
Due to its thickness, this grease tends to build up; hence, creating a heavy barrier on the scalp, such that nothing goes in or out.
Normally, our bodies release sweat when the metabolism rate is high; but it will get stuck on the grease, making the scalp suffocate and become itchy and smelly.
Similarly, this barrier does not permit the scalp to absorb moisture from the surrounding.
b). It makes the strands prone to breakage
The barrier from grease attracts dirt and prevents the absorption of other hair products to the scalp, which builds up on top of this formula.
As a result of a clogged cuticle, this epidermal layer will prevent the hair strands from attaining their optimum moisture level; hence, leading to breakage due to dryness.
c). It makes your hair heavy
Grease is too heavy, and once it builds upon your fine hair, it weighs down your strands, making them prone to breakage.
This reason makes hair grease, not the best solution for achieving a volume.
Anything that has a negative side cannot lack its positive counterpart, and you cannot love something that you do not know.
If you use hair grease correctly, you will realize the following benefits:
a). It has good moisturizing abilities for highly porous hair
Lack of proper education on black hair products has made many individuals review hair grease negatively.
The truth is, this product doesn’t add moisture, but rather seals what is already in the cuticle, preventing it from escaping.
This feature makes grease suitable for use on hair strands with high porosity.
b). It is a good sealant
You may fail to notice your hair growing longer because maybe your hair shrinks often, or you are not taking good care of your ends.
If you want to see progress in your hair growth, then, focus on protecting the oldest parts of your hair from being dry, brittle, and developing split ends.
Instead of cutting these ends, use grease on them, which will seal moisture that will eventually guard your strands.
c). It makes your hair shinier
It wouldn’t be called hair grease if shine wasn’t possible, right?
Even if you have a negative attitude towards hair grease, this product makes hair strands shiny.
Most hairdressers will tell you that this grease gives hair an exemplary definition, and slips during wet styling.
While you struggle to find the best answer on whether to use hair grease.
Keep in mind that no two heads are the same and what may work in one person may or may not work well for you.
In other words.
If the current products you use on your hair contain petroleum/mineral oil and your hair is on a growing track, then stick to what you have been doing.
Every hair strand has a connection to the sebaceous gland that secretes sebum, a fluid responsible for keeping the hair lubricated for a few days.
However, some hair types, like Afro hair, have tight coils, making it hard for this oily chemical to reach the hair shaft.
Therefore, these coils tend to be dry frequently; hence, prone to breakage and developing split ends.
Blue Magic grease may silence this issue since it seals moisture, preventing it from escaping and leaving your strands dry and brittle.
Although people do not like hair grease, the blame is not on the oil but on how to apply it correctly.
It works well on wet conditioned hair so that when it dries, it transits from being heavy to feeling smooth and soft.
Below is a sequential procedure on how to apply grease:
1). Shampoo and condition your hair and rinse it to remove any residue
2). Soak up excess moisture using a microfiber towel and air-dry your strands until they are slightly damp
3). Moisturize your hair all over using a moisturizer
4). Scoop a small amount of hair grease on your index finger and spread it over small sections of your scalp
5). Air-dry your hair and style it as usual
6). Wash your hair at least once a week using shampoo and apply a moisturizing conditioner to remove the grease
No, it does not. Hair grease tends to clog the hair follicles, inhibiting growth of new strands.
As with most chemically formulated products, it helps with maintaining your hair length.
One way to grow hair is to apply all-natural hair growth treatments such as those found here.
You need to focus on ensuring that the hair breakage rate is not as fast as its growth rate.
And the only way to ensure that is to follow a hair care regimen guide.
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I use hair grease and have used hair grease in my hair since I was a little girl……my hair is long and lustrous. Everyone’s hair is different