Do you like short hair?
Yes, no, or in between a yes or no?
Where ever you fall, here are some of the most stunning short hairstyles for black women.
If you are team natural or straight hair below you will see diverse styles on both natural and chemically treated hair.
All, in my opinion, are beautiful.
I love short hair when it has some streaks of color.
Why cut your hair and keep it boring?
Adding hair color is not a bad idea, hair care has to always remain a top priority, you cannot slack off.
My only experience with short hair in my lifetime was in college.
At the time my hair was relaxed, and I opted for a short bob cut.
I think my dream haircut is a pixie cut, but I don’t quite have the gut to do it just yet.
When I went natural years after college, I transitioned for a year plus.
If you are feeling inspired by these short hairstyles and are thinking about cutting your hair, here are some good reasons.
a) Transitioning
If you are transitioning from relaxed to natural, the easiest way to manage the care and growth process is to chop it off into a TWA.
If you want to grow you it back fast, check out our fast hair growth guide.
b) Inspired
I get it short hair is not for everyone, but if your Pinterest account is full of short hairstyles, or every time you see someone with a short cut and you just admire it, then you might as well go for it.
c) Lifestyle
Long hair takes care, maintenance, and patience, but shorter hair is more manageable.
If you have a busy lifestyle, it might be best to rock a short style in this season of your life.

Hi Melissa
I Would really like to cut my hair but i can’t seem to find a suitable cut for my face just because i have a big forehead,round face and meduim head size.
I really need your help
Yours Faithfully
I’m really thinking about cutting my hair it’s long thin and fine I won’t hold curls so I wear a lot of braids and sew ins cause I can’t do anything to my natural and it’s thinning around the edges so it’s time to just cut it how do I find the right hair style