Many questions are arising from different people concerning hair loss around the edges.
Anyone can experience thinning edges, which is why you need to find out possible ways that you can use to keep your tips looking good.
Learn more about causes of thinning edges, how to regrow them, and the best products to use on thinning edges.
There are several causes of hair loss around the hairline.
It is easy to regrow the hairs when you can identify the reason for their loss.
Below are the few common causes of thinning edges.
a) Wearing tight hairstyles
Tight ponytails, buns, braids, or similar hairstyles consistently can result in a condition called traction alopecia, which causes a receding hairline.
This condition comes up due to the ongoing pulling or pressure exerted on the roots of your hair.
b) Wearing wigs unhealthily
Wig caps of cotton or nylon material are not as good as those made of silk fabric.
Nylon or cotton fabrics are not breathable; therefore, they can cause significant damage to your edges.
Furthermore, using heavy duties or irritating adhesives for installing lace front wigs can also cause hair loss around the hairline.
c) Chronic illnesses like iron deficiency or hormone imbalances
When the body lacks enough irons, it will not make enough red blood cells, hence, not transporting enough oxygen to the body tissues.
Due to insufficient oxygen, these cells will tend to supply hemoglobin to the vital body organs, neglecting the hair follicles, making them fail to keep your hair intact.
Hair thinning will, therefore, occur around the edges.
d) Unhealthy scalp conditions like seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis is a scalp condition, which causes red, flaky, and greasy patches on the scalp due to the overproduction of thick sebum.
This disease does not cause hair loss, but excessive scratching of the scalp due to itchiness can injure the hair follicles, hence, causing hair thinning.
Read more on scalp disorders.
e) Pregnancy
Hair loss due to pregnancy usually occurs 3-4 months after delivery.
During pregnancy, most hairs do go into the resting phase; however, after birth, the hormones normalize, allowing these hairs to return to their regular cycles.
Average hair loss, which was to happen during pregnancy, may fall out all at once, hence the hair thinning problems.
Hair loss may also occur due to miscarriage or abortion.

There are small but significant ways that you can adopt to help prevent thinning edges from getting worse, or in other cases, to regrow it.
Some of these practical ways include:
a) Be friendly to natural hair care products
You should use a blend of oils, which will help to hydrate, repair, and provide more nutrients to your hair for improved growth.
You can use castor oil to thicken your hair strands, coconut oil to exfoliate dead skin, peppermint oil to purify the scalp, and rosemary to increase blood flow in the scalp.
Generally, use products rich in vitamin E and Aloe Vera to stimulate hair reproduction.
Get all the best fast natural hair growth recipes.
b) Give yourself scalp massage
Scalp massage helps to stimulate the blood vessels to increase blood circulation to the scalp and hair follicles.
Hence, giving them more nutrients and oxygen, which encourages hair growth.
You can do a scalp massage with or without oil.
c) Use healthy products around the edges
The facial products that you use can negatively affect your edges.
Try to keep the facial makeup, cleansers, moisturizers, or acne treatment products away from the fragile hairline.
d) Wear wigs correctly
Use the correct wig cap to cover your hair under the wig.
It is advisable to use ones with silk or satin fabric because they are more breathable and comfortable.
Besides, stay away from glues and adhesives when regrowing your edges, and wear wigs that fit you correctly.
Tight wigs will exert more pressure on the hairline, hence, causing hair thinning.
e) Sleep well
Cotton pillowcases tend to absorb natural oils and moisture from your hair, increasing friction between your hair and the case, hence causing hair thinning.
It is, therefore, essential to rest your head on silk or satin pillowcase or secure your hair by either plaiting it or tying it loosely.
e) Avoid tight hairstyles
It recommended doing protective styles like braids or weaves, to give your natural hair a break from constant styling.
However, how you install these styles can damage your edges.
The tighter the form, the more the tension that you apply to the hairline, leading to hair loss.
When regrowing the sides, face the facts rather than overlooking them.
Avoid styles that are too heavy and not comfortable.
f) Take hair supplements
The best vitamin for hair is vitamin B7 (biotin) since it creates the building blocks for hair.
However, vitamin A, C, D, E, K, iron, zinc, and proteins are also helpful.
Your hair will look silkier, healthy, and long after a few months of raking them.
Thinning edges is a significant issue of concern to many individuals. Some identify its causes as stress, drastic weight loss, or hereditary factors.
In contrast, others talk about pregnancy, scalp infections, chronic illnesses, and styling to be the causes of hair thinning.
Nonetheless, research provides remedies to this problem.
You can consume hair supplements, use natural hair care products, and practice proper hair maintenance.
Avoiding bad hair habits can alleviate stress on your hair strands, hence getting rid of thinning edges.
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